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Charity Activities
Charity Activcities
Telugu Kala Samiti has rendered services to the community to the possible extent:
Following are some services:
KD 600 donation to 1990 AP flood relief through Rama Krishna Mission.
bullet IRS 500,000 to CM flood relief fund in 1996
bullet IRS 150,000 to Sweekaar-Upkaar, a voluntary organization for Physically handicapped, mentally retarded and old aged.
bullet IRS 5,000 to Sri Krishna Devaraya Library, Hyderabad
bullet IRS 100,000 to Sweekaar-Upkaar, a voluntary organization for Physically handicapped, mentally retarded and old aged.
bullet IRS 108,000 to the Army Central Welfare Fund, New Delhi for the benefit of the soldiers who faught and protected our Mother India the Kargil conflict.
bullet TKS Presented Cheque for 15 Air Tickets to Indian Ambassador through Dr.ANR on 17/11/2000. These air tickets were used to send the maids stranded in Kuwait to India.
bullet KD 360 worth cash and consumables given to Indian workers in 2001-2002
bullet KD 50 donation given to coffin (KV Subbaiah) in 2000-2001
bullet IRS 2,00,000/- Donated to AP Chief Minister’s Relief fund for Tsunami 2004-05
bullet KD   70/- Donation to  (Late) Sri Subba Chary’s family 2004-05
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